Not a huge savings but one that adds up. ago. It's actually serious. So there currently two populair navy strategies that I see floating around. DN = dreadnought. In November, we hit our favourite milestone to date; 1 MILLION ACTIV. If I'm not mistaken, if You want to produce even some crappy planes, You need to research three things: airflame, engine and some guns. I don't, but inside the mods folder there will be a folder called 'common' and inside that folder is another folder called 'technologies' and inside that will be several text files named after each researchable tech tree, they contain a list of all the item ids unlocked by researching that tree. Yes, you can select the British Raj and have a fascist or communist coup. ago. Description Discussions 1 Comments 252 Change Notes. Trade Interdiction makes ur surface fleets & subs be less visible to the enemy navy so ambushes are more efficient and running away is easier + u can raid convoys efficiently. After download I noticed that my mods are stuck at 100% (title). Never miss a thing. It isn't a separate option; just have the players pick the same country in the start lobby and it will automatically become co-op. 29. It isn’t opening, can somebody please tell me a fix? This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A JJ_BB_SS • Additional comment actions. December 7 at 11:41 AM. I've never tried cloud save but Ironman save can be corrupted easily if you forcefully quit the game. Business, Economics, and Finance. Below water, obviously, is submarine spam. [deleted] • 7 yr. High AA doesn't mean you can easily shoot down 500 planes. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by. If the enemy is defending with medium tanks, you can attack with heavies to secure the armor bonus for yourself, deny it to the enemy, and have a lot. Dont even think of putting 2 torps, 4 CA guns and a spotting plane on the Takao class ships that are somehow Myoko class ships in Hoi4 even though they are different. The Spanish civil war is the only place I actually try to get level 5 divs. A few factories each guarantee air superiority in china When the war against begins hold northern front and constant push if possible even if slowIt's not like it's hard to get naval superiority in HOI4 but rather that it's too easy. Total noob question here. As long as your carrier is on a mission (such as Strike Force), then the air wings will automatically engage when the fleet moves to attack. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot. If you have 5 dockyards, you can put 5 production lines with 1 dockyard each, activate ic and you get 5 ships every day. E. . ago. But this is a paradox-wide quality problem right now, probably an issue of budget or management or something, so it's hard for me to lay blame on the HoI4 team. If you go into tje equipment the enemy lost and hover over any particular piece, there'll be a pop up that says how much of it was captured. For example, we already have ideological factions, where anyone of the appointed ideology can join the faction. I mean, considering the prodigious (ehem, Soviet starvation, ehem) industrial development seen in such times, it could actually fit the history, especially with the way some cities in that time turned from towns to mere towns to metropoli (I do not know if. Submarine Designs. ago. Spam divisions/planes. Same thing with air wings, although admittedly I don't really know how to organize those in HOI4 either. NoChecks, but it didn't seem to do anything, as I still couldn't take the decision). Anything to look out for to. 8 × 5 = 24. Research torpedoes and radars. 1. Then I couldn't. Apr 8, 2018. Theres an event in the base game, UK can take a decision to demand vichy france's fleet, listed in operations as mers_el_kebir_raid. Naval bombers delete the screens, subs kill the convoys and capitals. Task Force Admiral looks good. - There are at least 15 Support Company types in the game (assuming some nation-specific ones as well like Assault Battalions) with 5 slots. Good light cruisers are excellent uses of. They work ok i guess, havent tried that yet, but if you spam as much torpedoes as possible on them and spam light cruiser, im gonna actually try this tomorow, but i think they do ok, best loght cruisers have 126. Aircraft Carrier Survival was neat. The sub thing is especially frustrating. None of my fighter units upgraded to jets and when I went to deploy new units there weren't any jets under fighters and there wasn't a category for jet. Destroyers have very weak naval guns, while Light cruiser guns are at least good for killing Destroyers. spam update to force bruv to update eliezer1245 May 6 @. The reason for submarine spamming in game and in history iis because they were cheap. I'm currently trying a paraguay campaign where I'll be relying on submarines for sea control, if I ever get that far, and I'll probably try using 1940 subs only, for the manpower and production savings. Also subs count less towards naval supremacy. But in places where you can build radar on land, just have the naval bombers hunt the subs because it's faster to find them with the radar. Thangunis. ago. For example, somebody who is in modern day Tunisia could make Tunisia, Tunis, Carthage, etc. I know, i know, just use 15 -5 armoured tank on multiple angle to plow through enemy even through mountain. They are so good some games literally ban them because they are so. Destroyers are about 1/3 the Ainti-Air strength of a Light Cruiser, which is the most cost-effective ship for AA (outside of a carrier with fighters). ago. The button is "create a new taskforce" with plus symbol, not "add task force". You can utilize surface raiders as well. Antonio. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The variants are worth considering because you need less per battalion. When my friend tries hosting and starts the. I am trying to play multiplayer with a friend and the game wont stop lagging, it used to work fine until last year, but now it's lagging, is there a mod to increase the performance? Yes, most mods used in historical games improve performance a lot. ; About Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki; Mobile view This isnt the subs. I'd also suggest going for 3 range then engine upgrades to get better air mission efficiency, especially in larger zones from airports further back. More armor/piercing, more hardness, more hard attack, slightly more soft attack, defense, and breakthrough. Oct 3, 2022 @ 1:44am Heavy cruiser can't be spammed because you can't put light guns on a capital heavy cruiser anymore, I thought I overheard some people saying they would just literally. However, my ships cannot move to the naval zone at all, or do any tasks in the zone. 0. You can spread out in a line. 2. [deleted] • 4 yr. lwp2004 • 4 yr. Then in order to get most out of them funnel your convoy routes through a few sectors. Apr 12, 2021; Add bookmark #5 Reply. Press J to jump to the feed. Can I get a little advice on the fleet? Still can't get it how to use it properly, I'm relatively new. They supposedly do this, because the AI needs its battle lines fully manned, or the AI does strange things moving divisions around to fill holes, that only opens up more holes, which. If you justify on the Netherlands in 36 and spam out your 36 subs and just add mines to them you can hold them off with one army and just lay mines until you are ready to finish the war. Subs are the best scouts, best convoy raiders, and best minelayers. I recently watched Hammotimes beginner series and in his Navy video he mentions a "sub spam" method in which you produce a load of T1 subs and leave them on convoy raiding with auto repair etc. And if you can get green air in the channel then just spam bombers there too. This scales [hoi4. If they hit 0 manpower before you you win. Research_all I think. For it to work you may also have to delete the mod folders and unsubscribe. Never tried it myself but if I catched it up correctly, you can use (at least in Multiplayer) to trick your enemy. No enemy airports = no red air, simple as that. Speed is king, always retreat at any sign of trouble and stay out of air range. . Fill it with all the rifles and artillery you can find. L. If you have a navy, a patrol helps a lot and you could have a submarine deathstack on strikeforce. I am gonna improve the tank template when I. it's light cruisers that destroy screens a. Suprcheese • 7 yr. When the war begins, there's obviously many things to produce at the same time. You probably misclicked and ordered Guderian's panzers to pull out of a fight, and when that happens, it counts as a retreat. (can construct avg 8-12/year) CL Light Cruiser – Most versatile, Moderate to expensive cost, reliable and durable Moderate to Fast speeds. Look for the surface detection stat. If you care about details HOI4 has a lot of design issues. Hover over it and it should tell you why. 364K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Jul 3, 2016 323 465. How do I force an army to use convoys? Here is the short version: I want to land an army worth of modern tanks in the British Raj, my marines are already holding the port after a succesfull naval invasion. . A destroyer already has a base submarine detection of 1, and RADAR adds detection, so save the SONAR. 9 Badges. Look at the spanish civil war and the indian liberation army. The only techs that are worth it are Fire Control and Submarine Hulls; many other navy techs aren't worth the investment. All talk and no fight. the reason you build light cruisers as any naval power (uk. And if you still need more, air sup and CAS. ; About Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki; Mobile viewZone Spam, that is, just clicking every bloody zone for control, will typically only be effective if you have enough groups in your fleet to cover the specified areas. The enemy always seem to win the naval battles. 1 Lavaix1 Fleet Admiral • 1 yr. If I had to guess its likely supply. britian. "Hybrid": This is what I've been trying lately. Base Strike is more focused on Carriers & Naval Bombers. After that, pressing H will do the job. For better or for worse, magazine. I have started playing hoi4 multiplayer with 2 other friends. 11. It's allowed me to destroy significant parts of any enemy navy with comparitively minor effort. Subs are fine for playing defense and raiding convoys, but they no longer give sea control to allow invasions. Now there's only one way to basically play Japan for example. The only techs that are worth it are Fire Control and Submarine Hulls; many other navy techs aren't worth the investment. You can get away with a card that only has 1 Gb of VRAM. Submarine Spam, destroyer spam it just doesn't work. 7-2 ide say don’t used, just go pure infantry with shovels and artillery support companies, 14-4s are still good. r/hoi4. edit: Also, have you researched any naval doctrine? The quickest way to kill submarines is destroyers equipped with sonar 2 and radar 3 set to patrol with many bombers over them. It's only a game when there are understandable rules. Naval supremacy of ship = 100. AT is there to counter the immediate armor attack in MP you face after landing. I've got to 100% autonomy, yet it wouldnt let me break free cause i havent taken the focus to abandon westminster. After that, leave a defensive army along the Polish border in your puppet's territory, they'll play an important role later on during the war. Any of the same modifier will stack additively, so in your example of 10% output + 20% output, you'd have 30% output. Against a stronger naval opponent we can focus on tying up their fleet and destroying supply lines to starve their war machine. Heavy tank destroyers and SPArt are both really good. [deleted] • 7 yr. ; About Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki; Mobile viewThis isnt the subs. It also can have excellent spotting and thus seems ideal for zones like the the mid Atlantic gap. Yes you can. 1. As some background I have a little over 400 hours however, I would guess only 50 or less is actually in multiplayer (in other words, I essentially have 50 hours of real experience). This could simply be because of a difference in hardware. Whenever I host and start the game speed slows down bit by bit every second or two. Is heavy cruiser spam still the naval meta? Also is base strike the best doctrine for them? < > Showing 1-9 of 9 comments . Now I'd like to ask some questions about the naval meta. Anti-Air II. g. But it would be cool to also have, for example, regional factions, where anyone of any (or at least any reasonably-compatible) ideologies can join, so long as they. This page was last edited on 7 May 2017, at 15:55. ULTIMATE Submarine META PRO Guide - HOI4 Meta Navy Guide00:00 Subs!00:23 Why subs are broken01:36 Lets make a submarine04:09 Getting started07:44 Trade Inter. After the 5th their org should be down enough to run over. If you have save games, then go to your saves folder and make a backup of the files inside, before doing a complete reinstall. Where RRn indicates your "normal" (pre-tech) bonus to research rate, RRi indicates your "improved" (post-tech) bonus, T indicates the base time to research the tech, and D. I had expeditionary forces from some minor puppet, they were at almost no strength for years down the line. r/hoi4. The battle will go on for ages with minimal loss to submarine fleet. Good light cruisers are excellent uses of. Great War Mod Cant Find Research For Some Technology. Jun 19, 2016. . If they are torpedo destroyers, you can dunk on your opponent and also use light attack heavy cruisers to kill them. In the past 3 years I've destroyed maybe 30 of their ships, while I lost a total of about 150-200 ships (I started with around 400-450, now I only have about 250). 2- start preparing (or just pump divs out) to make a lot of divisions to rush anschluss. Looks like. Fallback lines are there to make the A. The reason for submarine spamming in game and in history iis because they were cheap. And a great ally, it only took them about an hour to convert all of the battleships to submarines, all thanks to Japan! Submarine spam remains the true meta. That said this is basically meta (against AI). Front 1. Business, Economics, and Finance. This video serves as an easy to get into guide regarding submarines and it's various viable templates. ago. Tier 4 Subs can also do a great job sinking the enemies fleet unless you get tricked into convoy raiding a sea tile full of exclusively sub hunting destroyers. It always shows 0% but the game does calculate in this part Sub Visibility vs Sub Detection. Possibly the easiest meta in the game, and the one that most people go for is the submarine spam. I'm not sure if the same rules apply here in Darkest Hour. Aircraft Carrier Survival was neat. Surface Raiders are great at killing convoys in open space. - When your fleet meets and enemy fleet they begin a naval battle. classteen • Fleet Admiral • 2 yr. CowboyRonin • 1 yr. Terrains Combat Widths. Bathtub is spamming out cheap crappy subs for naval supremacy (typically for naval invasions as they don't always preform the best in naval combat against non-AI players). Naval bombers are good to do most of the sinking. Yes. This page was last edited on 7 May 2017, at 15:55. Rakzhor • Research Scientist • 7 yr. You can usually press the Pause button during the Pop up and it will stay paused after you close the pop up. light attack spam: the best build because it beats the other non meta builds and the starting fleets of the largest naval player with ease. Mid 1. Razzlane • 9 mo. 3. 299k members in the hoi4 community. ago. 1 / 6. Click the portrait icon of an army without a general, there should be a button at the bottom of the window that says Promote division commander or something similar, click that and it gives you a list of division commanders, select one to promote to general. These divisions were unable to fight 2 Australian infantry divisions while being entrenched. Heavy cruisers are the undisputed kings of light attack, mainly because they can mount light cruiser batteries in all their slots (BBs and BCs need to mount either heavy batteries or secondaries, which are far worse). 9. Then they sold DLC with ship designer that made the system so obtuse nobody understands it, and that's supposed to be an improvement. Motorized are largely just faster infantry. CryptoThere are some big weaknesses in the supply system of both hoi4 and hoi3, but in a different way. Thank you. The Nova Politicus SMP is a realistic geopolitical/world building SMP where players are situated across the earth and make their own realistic countries. Vote. In both world wars, particularly the first, they had a nasty tendency to suffer catastrophic explosions with nearly all hands lost. Delta974 • 4 yr. I once went to war using only expeditionary forces, I can confirm YOUR manpower pool is affected, kinda BS imho. But in general, which is superior. Destroyers are about 1/3 the Ainti-Air strength of a Light Cruiser, which is the most cost-effective ship for AA (outside of a carrier with fighters). I’ve seen Das Boot and it doesn’t take much to take them out of commission. This thread is archived. NFL NBA Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks Los Angeles Lakers Boston Celtics Arsenal F. If you cover the whole area or can't cover more. It would be like if armored trains and rail guns were faction exclusive. If you go on naval view you can hover your cursur over naval regions and see how many ships are in the area. 0. Fleet in Being is just basic for surface fleets. on resubscription it will be reupdated and dl the mods again. They still don't add much toward Naval Invasions. Navies in HOI4 had a pretty strict setup - for every capital ship, you need four screen ships. Specialized siege divisions? Aka modern space marine for 1. I personally divide my subs into 5 groups and set each group a target strength of 20. Enitity_Enigma • 21 days ago. 2. Build Sub 3/4s with snorkels. Carriers. Easy, cheap, and effective. Submarine Spam. Outside of a tank division as their own dedicated motorized. Typically, they are destroyers or submarines for maximum spam. Mix them into your infantry divisions in limited quantities to give them a bunch of armor and extra punch. ago. So there currently two populair navy strategies that I see floating around. Recon fleets come in about five ships, and sub fleets use five to ten submarines. In real life, the German heavy surface raiders worked extremely well for tying up lots of Allied ships escorting convoys off the coast of Norway: leaving them unavailable for use elsewhere. Air superiority reduces enemy breakthrough and defense as well as allows your CAS operate without interference. much everything, so you need light cruisers to do the heavy lifting. They're more for convoy raiding. they can kill up to 60 convoys in one battle. Thank you. Any of the same modifier will stack additively, so in your example of 10% output + 20% output, you'd have 30% output. Console command to change nations once they are formed. Hoi4 ofc. Here is some history of my play-through: I joined the axis as fascist Australia and helped them to defeat both the allies and the comitern. ago. With field hospitals and big 40w armored divisions I can have 7 veterans by the end. Which makes them much more difficult to sink. 1 comment. In my Germany game i got 2x superheavy battleship (upgraded full slots ofc) after 2 years of building time by 1942, some heavy cruisers and plenty of AA/submarine hunter. r/hoi4 • When the Superior Firepower-cel say something so defensephobic you gotta hit them with the GBPChad stare. Thinking_waffle Research Scientist • 4 yr. 1 Lavaix1 Fleet Admiral • 1 yr. j1ffster • 13 min. I personally divide my subs into 5 groups and set each group a target strength of 20 subs. Their counter is Battle Cruisers. 1936 Battleship. If you play non-historical mode be prepared to see some weird stuff, e. I know that mechanized 1 is slower than motorised, but then I think they get faster at higher levels. Are there any good spy overhaul mods? I really like playing with spies, but I think they are a bit bland, like it makes sense to do 1-2 missions max. spam destroyers armed with best radar and torpedoes and see what happens. Heavy cruisers are the undisputed kings of light attack, mainly because they can mount light cruiser batteries in all their slots (BBs and BCs need to mount either heavy batteries or secondaries, which are far worse). Give collies submarine. The other thing you could do is. Alica90 Air Marshal • 6 yr. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. Sirrestrikk • 4 yr. 221. ago. When originally they where givin these cool professional sounding names like raider group, pacific fleet, so on and so forth. This becomes a problem because laptops have inherently weaker processors. Edit: it may take time but I destroyed the whole Japanese navy doing this as France. e. Is there something I m doing wrong because I thought I should be able to increase UI scale beyond default 1X ? This thread is archived. 2. For division stats, the different modifiers are multiplicative. A halfway comprehending of navy player would just spam DD with anti. Exemple Japanese Submarine. gaoruosong • 3 yr. I know the feeling. Seriously though. HOI4 Special: Subs with snorkels, lots of Naval bombers. 80% of the game is out the door using such methods, I mean no CZE, no YUG, those alone have trees that can massively change the possible. If at all possible in any capacity, get a desktop. 25 Duodecillion minimal Battalion templates. Best Naval doctrine is spamming naval bombers. In this short tutorial esque guide I will show how the current best way to counter the Axis sub spam, as the Allies (specifically the United Kingdom). ago. After the 5th their org should be down enough to run over. Whenever you get air superiority spam nukes. Meta of War Crimes! NOT A JOKE! ULTIMATE Submarine META PRO Guide - HOI4 Meta Navy Guide00:00 Subs!00:23 Why subs are. 12 comments. The air war is a crucial part of winning any Hoi4 game. This still sucks so hard compared to submarines. SS Submarine – cheap, slow, limited loadout options; SS Cruiser Submarine – cheap, unique to a few countries, slow, special loadout options. 9. I have played against sub 3 spam and don't find it any different or that much harder to kill than sub 2's. Set you sub fleet to engage at high risk, medium repair priority and enable automatic split off. Best. But If You cant find an Command for this in the Wiki i cant help You ( sry for that Bad english)submarine: ×10 capital ship: ×50 carrier: ×200 The weight of damaged ships gets increased by up to +500% as they approach 0% HP. Best. Last game I tried building a navy by spamming destroyers, cruisers and grouping them with capitals as well as submarine spam. The AI doesn't produce the second and destroyer spam is best killed by good cruisers. Playing the UK in a multiplayer game, it's 1944 and the German Navy has been pumping out more than 10 submarines a month it seems. 203. 005 * ship production cost in industrial capacity (IC) + 0. 375K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Navy Works like: 1 Admiral has a Fleet, each fleet has different Task Forces. #hoi4 #news #HYPEA closer look at the new Dev Diary with a look at some changes to the Naval aspect of the game! A NEW DLC is in the works!Dev Diary: I have 500 hours on the game, mostly in multiplayer focusing on Navies since I cant micro ground forces very good. If you're running at speed 5 and using a conventional hard drive (i. A. Convoys can carry troops for naval invasion across the see regions that you have "naval supremacy" and if you spam submarines from the start, you will get your naval supremacy sooner or later with submarines. If you win some battles you can immediately proceed with convoy raiding. 666. New and Improved HOI4 Meme thread - Post your memes here. You can usually replace the logistics company with support AA and mitigate the. If the transport plane can only reach 25% of the selected state, their supplies are cut accordingly, even if they reach the entire frontline. Assuming you are using Windows go to the control panel and uninstall all Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables. Also spam some naval bombers and put them in the attack english channel mode. this is good but don't spam these as screens. ago. HOI4 needs a secondary Dev team (Custodian Team) with the mandate and resources to rework and improve old DLC and updates. Surface Raiders have higher kill rates because they have higher surface detection to find convoys. I also just can't get any air superiority over Japan, so I can't nuke. . It was the first time AI France goes fascist in my game, probably because they get destroyed early on in most games, leaving them without a government to change. 1 comment. There are a few none are very good. 4. 1. This is a very heavy assult infantry tenplate. 25) attack after modifiers. . Thangunis. The long and short of it is heavy surface raiders are very easily countered by just adding more escorts to your convoys. 2.